
31 Days of Watercolors…Almost

There is a crispness in the air. Cold days and long cold nights for me means more time painting at the art desk. I’ve decided to participate in Paintober this year. For those that don’t know there is a popular #inktober challenge where artists post illustrations and drawings every day of the month. A lesser know spin off is #paintober.

I’ve added the extra challenge of creating time lapses of each painting. You can see a few on my Instagram account.

As life would have it, I missed the first day of the month. Instead of beating myself up about it I’m pressing on. I may make it up at some point during the month. It’s suppose to be fun anyway and not some forced march.

Why do this?

Art, like anything takes patience and practice. I didn’t pick up the brush as often as I would have liked this summer between all the smoke and general business of life. An exercise like this is to jumpstart the art muscles. Get to know the medium again.

The point is to not wait for inspiration but to just show up and do it. Art making, like anything, has its ups and downs. Motivation and inspiration is fickle and waiting for the “perfect” moment often leads to doing nothing and despair.

So that’s my goal for the month. Show up everyday as best as I am able and make and film a painting. Follow along the ‘gram. I may post a few on sale on the site.


Favorite Travel Brushes